Subway Sweet Onion Sauce

If, like all right-think­ing folks, you loved Sub­way’s sweet onion sauce and were sad to see it go, this is for you.

If, like all right-think­ing folks, you loved the sweet onion sauce at Sub­way and were sad to see them replace it with sweet onion teriya­ki sauce. It’s good too, but it’s not as good as the orig­i­nal, But you can make it at home. Lots of ingre­di­ents, but it’s super easy to make and lasts a long time in the fridge.

  • Ingre­di­ents!
  • 12 medi­um sweet onion
  • 1 cup water
  • 12 cup sugar
  • 1 tsp. white vinegar
  • 12 tbsp. lemon juice
  • 12 tsp. gar­lic powder
  • 2 tsp. onion powder
  • 12 tsp. pop­py seeds
  • 1 tbsp. corn starch
  • Salt
  • Tools
  • Spice grinder or blender
  • Fine mesh strainer


Rough­ly chop the onion, then purée in the spice grinder or blender.

Strain the puréed onion through a fine mesh strain­er, using a rub­ber or sil­i­cone spat­u­la to press the purée into the strain­er and force the juice through.

In a saucepan over medi­um heat, 1 cup of water, 13 cup of your onion juice, and the sug­ar; stir until the sug­ar is com­plete­ly dissolved.

Add the white vine­gar, lemon juice, gar­lic pow­der, onion pow­der, and pop­py seeds. Heat to a boil, stir­ring occasionally.

In a small bowl, mix the corn starch in 2 tbsp. of warm water until it is com­plete­ly dissolved.

Add to the sauce and bring it to a boil again, stir­ring con­tin­u­ous­ly to avoid any lumps of corn­starch. Let it boil for 3 to 5 min­utes, then remove from heat.

Let it cool to room tem­per­a­ture then trans­fer to a sealed con­tain­er or jar and refrigerate.