Murder Chili

This chili is to die for. Or kill for, at least.


More Foods

  • Ingre­di­ents:
  • 2 lbs. bone­less chuck roast
  • 2 red bell pep­pers, roast­ed and skinned
  • 2 Ancho chiles, split, seeds removed and rough­ly chopped
  • 2 Cal­i­for­nia chiles, split, seeds removed and rough­ly chopped
  • 1 Chipo­tle chile in adobo sauce (1 chile, not 1 can)
  • 34 tsp. chili powder
  • Kosher salt
  • Black pep­per
  • 34 cup beer (I like to use Bris­tol Bee­hive, a local micro­brew. New­cas­tle Brown Ale is also good)
  • 34 cup beef stock
  • 4 oz. canned diced tomatoes
  • 4 cloves gar­lic, diced
  • 34 cup onion, diced
  • Olive oil
  • Saute pan
  • Dutch oven
  • Colan­der
  • Stick blender

Cut chuck steak into 34 inch cubes and sea­son with salt, pep­per and chili pow­der. Brown in the saute pan with olive oil and drain.

In the Dutch oven, sweat the onions and gar­lic in olive oil. Add all oth­er ingre­di­ent except the chuck steak and sim­mer for at least 15 min­utes. Puree with the stick blender (if you don’t have a stick blender you can also puree in a reg­u­lar blender).

Stir in chuck steak, cov­er and sim­mer for at least an hour. You can serve right away, but this chili is even bet­ter if chilled overnight and reheat­ed. I like to trans­fer every­thing from the Dutch oven to a slow cook­er for sim­mer­ing, then refrig­er­ate the slow cook­er overnight and serve the next day.

Makes about 2 quarts.


This chili is savory but only mild­ly hot, so you can sea­son to taste with the type/amount of chili pow­der used in this step, or sea­son with your favorite hot sauce on a serv­ing-by-serv­ing basis.