
Ever noticed that many inter­na­tion­al cuisines have their own ver­sion of leav­ened or unleav­ened flat­bread? Blintzes, crêpes, pita, naan, pan­cakes, focac­cia, cha­p­ati, injera, roti, bar­bari, frybread–they’re all great! Here’s one of Mex­i­co’s ver­sions of flat­bread: Tortillas!

  • ¡Ingre­di­entes!
  • 3 cups all-pur­pose flour
  • 1 tsp. kosher salt
  • 1 tsp. bak­ing powder
  • 13 cup extra vir­gin olive oil, veg­etable oil or oth­er fair­ly neu­tral fla­vored oil
  • 1 cup warm water
  • Tools!
  • Stand mix­er (not manda­to­ry but it makes things easier)
  • Rolling pin


Com­bine flour, salt and bak­ing pow­der in a medi­um-size bowl or stand mix­er bowl. Whisk dry ingre­di­ents until well combined.

Grad­u­al­ly add oil and water with mix­er run­ning at a medi­um speed, or stir oil and water in with a spat­u­la. Con­tin­ue to stir until all dry ingre­di­ents are incor­po­rat­ed and the dough begins to come togeth­er and form a shag­gy ball.

Turn dough out onto a light­ly floured work sur­face and knead for 1–2 min­utes until the dough is nice and smooth.

To make 16 tor­tillas about 6 or 7 inch­es across, divide the dough into 16 equal por­tions. Divide into few­er por­tions if you want larg­er tortillas.

Roll each around piece to coat with flour; add more flour to your work sur­face if need­ed. Form each piece into a ball and flat­ten with the palm of your hand. Cov­er flat­tened balls of dough with a clean kitchen tow­el and allow to rest for at least 15 min­utes, or up to 2 hours.

Heat a large skil­let over medi­um heat. Roll each flat­tened ball of dough into a rough cir­cle about 6–7 inch­es in diam­e­ter, or larg­er if you’re mak­ing few­er tor­tillas. Add a bit more flour to work sur­face and rolling pin if needed.


Don’t stack uncooked tor­tillas on top of each oth­er or they will stick togeth­er; sep­a­rate them with parch­ment paper or plas­tic wrap.
When the pan is hot, place one dough cir­cle into the pan and allow to cook 45 sec­onds to 1 minute or until the bot­tom sur­face has a few pale brown spots and the uncooked sur­face is bubbly.

If it’s brown­ing too fast, reduce the heat a bit. If it’s tak­ing longer than a minute to see a few pale gold­en brown spots on the under­side of tor­tillas, increase the heat a bit.

Flip to oth­er side and cook for 15–20 sec­onds. The tor­tillas should be nice and soft but have a few small brown spots on the surface. 

Remove from pan with tongs and stack in a cov­ered con­tain­er or zip­pered bag to keep the tor­tillas soft.

Serve warm or allow to cool for lat­er use. When ready to use, place a slight­ly damp paper tow­el in the bot­tom of a microwave-safe con­tain­er (with a cov­er) that will hold the stacked tor­tillas. Microwave uncov­ered for 15–30 sec­onds (start with 15) or until warm, then keep cov­ered to hold heat while serving.

Store in an air­tight con­tain­er or zip­pered bag at room tem­per­a­ture for 24 hours or refrig­er­ate for up to 1 week. To freeze, sep­a­rate tor­tillas with parch­ment paper or waxed paper and place in a zip­pered bag before plac­ing in the freezer.