Ralphie’s Microwave Fudge

The queen moth­er of obscene­ly deli­cious desserts!

  • Ingre­di­ents!
  • 3 cups semi­sweet or milk choco­late chips
  • 1 14-oz. sweet­ened con­densed milk
  • 14 cup butter
  • 1 cup chopped walnuts


Put all ingre­di­ents except wal­nuts in a large microwave-safe bowl. 

Microwave at medi­um pow­er until choco­late chips are melt­ed, 3 to 5 min­utes, stop­ping to stir once a minute.

Stir in nuts.

Pour into well-greased 8×8 square bak­ing dish. Refrig­er­ate until set.


Sub­sti­tute 1 cup peanut but­ter chips for 1 cup of choco­late chips.