Move Biscuit! Get Out Da Way!

Keep handy if you want to whip up some bis­cuits in a hurry!

  • Ingre­di­ents:
  • 6 cups all-pur­pose flour, unbleached
  • 3 tbsp. bak­ing powder
  • 1 12 tsp. bak­ing soda
  • 1 tbsp. salt
  • 3 tbsp. sugar
  • 1 12 sticks unsalt­ed but­ter, chilled and cut into cubes

In the largest bowl you have, whisk togeth­er every­thing except the butter.

Using a pas­try blender, cut the but­ter into the flour mix­ture until the but­ter is in very small pieces and the mix­ture resem­bles store-bought mix in tex­ture (you’re essen­tial­ly look­ing for a coarse meal, with no big pieces of but­ter remaining).

This is going to take a few min­utes and some elbow grease, but have patience – it will get there.

Store in an air­tight con­tain­er in the refrig­er­a­tor for up to two months.

Use cup-for-cup in recipes as a sub­sti­tute for store-bought stuff.