Cheesy Breakfast Bacon Bombs

Here’s anoth­er recipe you can mod­i­fy to your heart’s con­tent. Sshh: You don’t have to have them for break­fast either!

  • Ingre­di­ents!
  • One pop-open can of 8 large bis­cuits (I like Pills­bury Grands but any­thing’s fine) 
  • 4 large eggs
  • 1 tbsp. butter
  • 8 oz. shred­ded ched­dar cheese 
    • Option: Use any oth­er cheese or mix­ture of cheeses you like!
  • 4 slices thick cut bacon 
    • Option: Break­fast sausage, diced ham, chopped mushrooms—you’re the boss!
  • Tools
  • 13×9 casse­role dish
  • Rolling pin
  • Non­stick cook­ing spray


Pre­heat oven to 350° F.

Cook and rough­ly chop bacon (or sausage or ham or what­ev­er you’re using). You can do your bacon in a skil­let, in the microwave or the oven. I pre­fer doing it in the oven: Less mess, eas­i­er to cook them con­sis­tent­ly and you waste as lit­tle bacon fat as pos­si­ble (you are sav­ing your bacon fat, aren’t you?)

Whisk eggs; using the but­ter, scram­ble them in a skillet.

When the eggs are done, remove from heat, and fold in the cheese and bacon. I try to time this so the cheese is soft­ened but not com­plete­ly melt­ed, but here’s where the cheese options kick in:


I like to hold these when I’m eat­ing, like a break­fast sand­wich, so I use ched­dar because it holds the eggs and meat togeth­er so it does­n’t fall out and make a mess.

But if you want gooey cheese that stretch­es all over every­thing like piz­za, use moz­zarel­la or havar­ti. Use Pep­per Jack if you want to add some heat. Mix or match—whatever ya like!

Put your egg/meat/cheese/mixture in a bowl.

Spray the casse­role dish with non­stick cook­ing spray.

Roll out each bis­cuit until it’s about dou­bled in size. Put 2 or 3 table­spoons of your eggs/meat/cheese mix­ture in the cen­ter, then fold up the edges and pinch them togeth­er. Place them about 2 inch­es apart in the dish with the pinched side down.

Bake at 350° for 20 to 25 min­utes, or until they’re gold­en brown and firm on top.

Note: The bis­cuit instruc­tions call for bak­ing at 350° for 15 to 18 min­utes, but it takes longer when they’re stuffed like this. Once you hit 18 min­utes, check them every few min­utes until they get brown and firm on top; oth­er­wise they’ll be under­done inside and on the bottom.