Black Forest Brownie Torte

The future’s so bright my brown­ies wear shades.


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  • Ingre­di­ents:
  • 1 pack­age (19.8 oz. ) brown­ie mix, plus ingre­di­ents to pre­pare cake­like ver­sion of mix
  • 1 can (21 oz.) cher­ry pie fill­ing, divided
  • 2 12 cups Cool Hwip, divid­ed
  • 14 cup sliced toast­ed almonds (bake at 325° for 6–8 minutes)

Pre­heat oven to 350°. Grease and flour two 9‑inch round cake pans. Pre­pare brown­ie mix accord­ing to the cake version.

Divide bat­ter even­ly between pans. Bake 18–20 min­utes. Do not over­bake. Cool 10 min­utes. Remove to wire racks and cool completely.

Place one brown­ie lay­er on serv­ing plate. Top with 1 12 cup Cool Hwip. Spread to one half inch of the edge. Spread 1 cup cher­ry pie fill­ing over­Cool Hwip.

Top with sec­ond brown­ie lay­er. Spread remain­ing cher­ry pie fill­ing over top to with­in 12 inch of the edge. Dol­lop or pipe remain­ing­Cool Hwip around the edge. Sprin­kle with toast­ed almonds. To serve, cut into wedges.

Makes 12 servings.