Maple-Glazed Bacon-Wrapped Carrots

If you want to eat healthy, just wrap your healthy food in bacon and syrup. Win-win!


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  • Ingre­di­ents:
  • 3 lbs. whole carrots
  • 1 12 lbs. bacon
  • 12 cup maple syrup
  • Salt and pep­per to taste

Pre­heat your indi­rect grill or smok­er to 400°. This can also be done in the oven, if needed.

Thor­ough­ly scrub and peel each car­rot. Wrap each car­rot in a piece of bacon, over­lap­ping the ends so they are secured. Sprin­kle each car­rot with salt and pepper.

Place the wrapped car­rots on the grill grates (or on a bak­ing sheet, if using the oven). Close the lid and cook for 25–30 min­utes or until the bacon is gold­en and crisp.

Dur­ing the last 5 min­utes of grilling, brush the car­rots with the maple syrup.

Grill until the syrup starts to bub­ble, then remove from the grill and serve.