Crock Pot Pizza

A slow cook­er could have pre­vent­ed this tragedy.

  • Ingre­di­ents:
  • 12 oz. egg noodles
  • 1 12 lbs. ground beef
  • 14 cup onion, chopped
  • 28 oz. spaghet­ti sauce
  • 1 jar mush­rooms, sliced and drained
  • 1 12 tsp. Ital­ian seasoning
  • 3 12 oz. sliced pepperoni
  • 3 cups shred­ded mozzarella
  • 3 cups shred­ded cheddar

Cook noo­dles accord­ing to direc­tions on package.

Mean­while, brown beef and onion. Drain.

Stir in spaghet­ti sauce, mush­rooms, and Ital­ian sea­son­ing. Drain noodles.

In 5‑quart slow cook­er coat­ed with non-stick spray, spread 13 of the sauce on the bot­tom. Cov­er with 13 of noo­dles and pep­per­oni. Sprin­kle with 13 of both kinds of cheese. Repeat lay­ers twice.

Cov­er and cook on low for 3–4 hours or until cheese is melt­ed and heat­ed through.