Crispy Grilled Catfish

There are two kinds of peo­ple in the world: Those who love cat­fish, and those who lead drab, wretched lives.

  • Ingre­di­ents:
  • 34 cup fine­ly crushed saltines (about 22 crackers)
  • 1 tsp. sea­soned salt
  • 12 tsp. cel­ery salt
  • 12 tsp. gar­lic salt
  • 4 cat­fish fil­lets, about 8 oz.
  • 13 cup melt­ed butter

In a shal­low dish, com­bine the first 4 ingre­di­ents. Pat fil­lets dry; dip in but­ter, then coat with crumb mixture.

Coat the grill rack with non­stick spray before start­ing grill.

Grill fil­lets, cov­ered, over medi­um hot heat for 10 min­utes, or until fish flakes eas­i­ly with a fork.

Care­ful­ly turn once.

Serves 4 (or just one if I’m there!)