Cinnamon Streusel Bundt

These cin­na­mon rolls are boda­cious, dude!

  • Ingre­di­ents:
  • 1 pack­age cin­na­mon rolls
  • 14 cup brown sugar
  • 14 cup gra­ham crackers
  • Cream cheese frost­ing (usu­al­ly includ­ed in cin­na­mon roll package)

Com­bine sug­ar and gra­ham crackers.

Place frozen cin­na­mon rolls in a Bundt pan sprayed with non-stick spray. Sprin­kle mix­ture over rolls. Cov­er with plas­tic wrap. Let rise until dou­bled in size. (about 4–5 hours at room tem­per­a­ture.)

Bake at 350° for 25–30 min­utes. Invert imme­di­ate­ly on serv­ing plat­ter. Microwave cream cheese frost­ing pack­et for 10 sec­onds. Snip off cor­ner and driz­zle over bundt.