Chinese Pork Chops

Elmo like Miss Pig­gy chops!


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  • Ingre­di­ents:
  • 12 cup kosher salt
  • 14 cup sugar
  • 2 qts. water
  • 4 bone­less cen­ter cut pork chops, about 38 inch thick
  • 14 cup teriya­ki sauce
  • 14 cup ketchup
  • 1 tsp. minced gin­ger
  • Small pinch Chi­nese red pep­per flakes
  • Pep­per to taste

Mix salt, sug­ar, and water until dis­solved. Add the pork chops and refrig­er­ate for at least 1 hour and up to 8 hours.

Pre­heat grill. Com­bine teriya­ki sauce, ketchup, gin­ger, and pep­per flakes.

Remove pork chops from brine, pat dry, and sea­son with black pepper.

Coat the grill with oil spray.

Brown pork chops on both sides, about 4 min­utes each. As you turn chops, brush the browned side with some of the sauce. Turn chops so they cook on their sauced sides briefly, about 1 minute.