Candied Popcorn

Can­died pop­corn! Putting den­tists’ kids through col­lege since when­ev­er it was invented.

  • Ingre­di­ents:
  • 20 cups popped popcorn
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 12 tbsp butter
  • 14 cup water

Grease a large roast­ing pan, then fill with popcorn.

In a saucepan, sug­ar, but­ter and water, then boil for 3 minutes.

Let cool to luke­warm, pour over pop­corn and toss to coat. Scoop onto parch­ment paper and let cool com­plete­ly before break­ing apart.


Add 1–2 drops red food col­or­ing to the syrup to make old-fash­ioned pink pop­corn, or col­or it to match the hol­i­day or occa­sion you’re mak­ing it for.