Sweet Sausage Rolls

Hel­lo, Jim­my Dean. Let’s play a game.

Basil Orange Chops

You’d cheer­ful­ly peel his skin off, would­n’t you? I know I would.

Bruce Lee Spaghetti

This is sort of stolen from Cal­i­for­nia Piz­za Kitchen’s Kung Pao Spaghet­ti. But it’s Bruce Lee Spaghet­ti because it’s BADASS.

Ossim Poke Chaps

If you pro­nounce it “Poke Chaps” they sound fancier.

Rattle ‘n’ Roast

Not stolen from Shake ‘n Bake! No law­suit necessary!

Butternut Squash/Sausage Soup

You just get some nuts, but­ter ’em and squash ’em.

Creamy Potatoes and Kielbasa

What do you call an explod­ing kiel­basa? A kiel­basano­va! THANK YOU! I’M HERE ALL WEEK!

Mustard Brats and Sauerkraut

Relax, kids. “Prick brats with forks” is not a euphemism.

PAMERZAM! Baked Pork Chops

Cheese and chops–what’s not to love?

Chinese Pork Chops

Elmo like Miss Pig­gy chops!