Ramen Noodle Salad

You don’t have to be a stoned col­lege stu­dent to love this, but it helps.

  • The Crunchy Parts!
  • 1 pkg. chick­en-fla­vored Ramen noodles
  • 2 8‑oz. shred­ded cab­bage (cole slaw mix)
  • 4 green onions, diced
  • 12 cup toast­ed sun­flower seeds
  • 12 cup sliced almonds
  • The Dress­ing!
  • Sea­son­ing pack­et from Ramen noodles
  • 12 cup veg­etable oil
  • 3 tbsp.sugar
  • 3 tbsp. vinegar

Crush noo­dles; set aside.

In large glass bowl, com­bine cole slaw mix with green onions, sun­flower seeds and almonds.

For dress­ing, mix sea­son­ing pack­et, oil, sug­ar and vinegar.

Pour dress­ing over cab­bage mix­ture and toss until well-coated. 

Just before serv­ing, sprin­kle Ramen noo­dles on top.

Serves 6 to 8 nor­mal peo­ple, or 1 stoned col­lege student.