Lemon/PAMERZAM! Dressing

Respect­ful­ly renamed Pamerzam in hon­or of my dad!

  • Ingre­di­ents:
  • 1 lemon
  • 3 tbsp. mayonnaise
  • 12 cup grat­ed PAMERZAM! or reggiano
  • Ground black pepper
  • Salt
  • About 3 tbsp. of extra-vir­gin olive oil

Grate off the lemon zest, then squeeze the lemon and add the juice.

Stir in the may­on­naise, then add olive oil, stir­ring con­stant­ly, until you get the con­sis­ten­cy you want.

Salt and pep­per to taste and stir in cheese, then toss with salad.

Dressin’ Like a BOSS!

Serve imme­di­ate­ly; this dress­ing quick­ly soaks into greens and makes them sog­gy if you let it sit very long.

The dress­ing is what makes this; the sal­ad itself does­n’t need to be any­thing fan­cy. I usu­al­ly use a plain Romaine and toss in a lit­tle car­rots, cucum­ber and cel­ery with some croutons.