Faces of Death Cookies

These cook­ies will haunt your dreams, but in a good way.


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I want­ed to make some Invert­ed Nip­ple Cook­ies the oth­er day, but I did­n’t have any choco­late kiss­es. I did have some choco­late chips, though, and unwrap­ping choco­late kiss­es gets old pret­ty fast.1

I did­n’t want to mix the chips in the way you do with choco­late chip cook­ies. Besides, the best thing about Invert­ed Nip­ple Cook­ies is chomp­ing on the big chunk of choco­late in the middle.

I did have a few can­dy molds, though, one of which makes lit­tle skulls. Eureka.

  • The Skulls!
  • Choco­late chips, what­ev­er kind you like: Milk choco­late, dark, semi-sweet
  • Food-grade sil­i­cone skull can­dy molds2

This would be a good time to review how to tem­per choco­late and how to avoid mak­ing it bloom.

Ready? Here we go:

Melt choco­late; pour into molds (duh).

Once you’ve unmold­ed all your skulls, pop ’em in the freez­er. You want them to be frozen solid.

  • The Cook­ies!
  • 1 cup peanut butter
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 tsp. vanil­la extract
  • 30 milk choco­late skulls

Pre­heat oven to 350°.

Cream peanut but­ter and sug­ar until light and fluffy. Beat in egg and vanilla.

Roll into 1–1/4‑inch balls (I like to use a mel­on baller for this). Place 2 inch­es apart on ungreased bak­ing sheets. Bake until tops are slight­ly cracked, 10–12 minutes.

Let them sit for about 5 min­utes, then smoosh a skull into each one.

If you get in a hur­ry adding the choco­late, it can melt on you. Invert­ed Nip­ple Cook­ies are so named because they melt­ed on me once and looked like this: →

I do have to admit, though, that the Faces of Death Cook­ies still look pret­ty cool even if the skulls melt.

If you time it right you get an ossim-look­ing skull:

If it melts a bit you might also get a Head Shot Cook­ie, with choco­late brains and choco­late blood com­ing out of the choco­late skull:

But even if it melts a lot, you can get some scary qua­si-Fright­en­er­s/Lost Ark Melt­ing Nazis/Melting Ter­mi­na­tor cookies:

Bone3 appetit!

  1. Why the hell don’t they sell them unwrapped anyway?
  2. It does­n’t have to be skulls. You can do some­thing bor­ing, God rest your soul, like uni­corns or bun­nies or peace signs. Wimp.
  3. See what I did there?