Move Biscuit! Get Out Da Way!

Not stolen from Bisquick! No law­suit necessary!

Cavatappi Pomodoro

Cavat­ap­pi: The pas­ta for adults.

Maple-Glazed Bacon-Wrapped Carrots

If you want to eat healthy, just wrap your healthy food in bacon and syrup. Win-win!

Nookyalur Bacon & Spuds

Two strips of bacon? Pathet­ic. You can add more if you want; I won’t tell if you don’t!

Bacon Cheese Muffins

Juu­u­ust enough break­fast cere­al to pre­tend it’s healthy!

Bacon Potato Puffs

Mamas, don’t let your babies grow up to be potatoes.

Lone Star Inn Rolls

Not Texas Road­house! No law­suit necessary!

La Super Rica Pinto Beans

What IS it with all these food ads with creepy kids?

Buttery Bubble Bread

Mr. Bub­ble’s per­son­al favorite!

Corn Meal Muffins

If you don’t love corn muffins or corn­bread, your black, twist­ed heart and greasy, ran­cid soul are so evil Dr. Evil him­self would give you a thumbs down.