Rosemary Focaccia

Focac­cia means “flat bread” in Ital­ian. Sor­ry if you were look­ing for a com­pli­cat­ed back story.

Real Live Honest-to-Louvre French Baguette

Mak­ing bread isn’t dif­fi­cult. Mak­ing baguette with that crisp, deep gold­en-brown crust and chewy insides with skil­lions of holes—it’s a chal­lenge. But the ingre­di­ents aren’t fan­cy or expen­sive: Yeast, flour, salt, water. You can afford some tri­al and error, and the end result is worth it!

Green Chili Rice Casserole

Fast, easy and cheap–three of my favorite things!

Buttery Herb Stuffing/Dressing

An awe­some recipe! Stuff it in your turkey, stuff it in your face, you’ll love it.

Corn Ribs

So good you’ll be cobsmacked.

Irish Soda Bread

I have no idea why this recipe uses both but­ter and mar­garine. I’ve tried replac­ing the mar­garine with more but­ter, though, and it was­n’t as good as it is with both. Sláinte.

Dolly’s Pickle-Forward Cole Slaw

Pick­le-for­ward slaw is yum­my and use­ful: It can be a side sal­ad or sand­wich top­ping or hot dog relish!

Skillet Cornbread

The oper­a­tive word in this recipe’s title is SKILLET. If you don’t have a 9‑inch cast-iron skil­let that would also make a dandy mur­der weapon, go get one.


Yellow Turmeric Rice

I love this recipe! It’s so good I occa­sion­al­ly make it a meal instead of a side dish.

Lorraine’s Potato Salad

If you’re grilling or pic­nick­ing out­side, it should be ille­gal not to have pota­to sal­ad with your sand­wich­es or brisket or hot dogs or whatever.