Spaghetti and Chicken Balls

Yeah. Chick­ens have balls.

Asian Noodles With Chicken

Say “snipped sug­ar snap peas” 5 times fast!

Multiple Personalities Chicken Soup

It’s always good to have fresh chick­en, but maybe not THAT fresh.

Aloha Pork Chops

Pineap­ple and pork: A match made in heaven.

Asian Pineapple Chicken

Release your inner pineapple!

Murder Victim Enchiladas

You’ll straight up mur­der these enchi­ladas! Try to wait till they cool off a lit­tle, though.

Crispy Boneless Chicken

If you want limp, cold, mushy chick­en you can always go for fast food.

Slow Cooker Chicken and Dumplings

You get dumplings, and YOU get dumplings, and YOU get dumplings!

Kernel Gander’s Public 11 Herbs and Spices

Not stolen from KFC! No law­suit necessary!

Rattle ‘n’ Roast

Not stolen from Shake ‘n Bake! No law­suit necessary!