Upside Down Meatloaf

Meat­loaf is a com­fort food, and as such is sub­ject to the fol­low­ing require­ments: 1. It must be served with mashed pota­toes and green beans. 2. Din­ers must mix the  peas and mashed pota­to together.

How To: Beef Jerky Basics

Yes, this is a beefy jerk. We’re talk­ing about beef jerky, though.

Garlic Beef Jerky

There is noth­ing brief about jerky!

Murder Chili

This chili is to die for. Or kill for, at least.

Au Jus

Yes, we know: “Au Jus” means “with juice,” and occa­sion­al­ly you see a menu with prime rib or a French dip sand­wich say­ing “With Au Jus.” If you’re the kind of wiseass who has to say, “Oh, it comes WITH WITH  juice?” try not to imag­ine going to Coci­na Kitchen Restau­rant on the cor­ner of Table Mesa Road and Plaza Square Dri­ve after stop­ping at the auto­mat­ic ATM machine. It’ll be messy if your head explodes.

American Chop Suey

All chop suey is Amer­i­can chop suey: Chop suey was (prob­a­bly) invent­ed in New York City in 1896. Oh well.

Bruce Lee Spaghetti

This is sort of stolen from Cal­i­for­nia Piz­za Kitchen’s Kung Pao Spaghet­ti. But it’s Bruce Lee Spaghet­ti because it’s BADASS.

Pizza Crescent Casserole

It’s a casse­role piz­za, but it’s NOT that slimy cold stuff you got at school.

Slow Cooker Pasta Fagioli

Despite rumors, God does not hate fagioli.

Baked Ziti

Ziti: Proud win­ner of the cov­et­ed Offi­cial­ly Tasti­er Than a Cow­bell™®© award.