Wasabi Butter

I would warn you not to rub your butt with wasabi, but it’s a self-cor­rect­ing problem.

Hifalutin Mac & Cheeses

Any­body can make Krapft Mac & “Cheese.” This stuff is so good it takes four REAL cheeses.

Bacon Cheddar Muffins

Putting a cat in this muf­fin is not recommended.

Biscuit Breakfast Bake

Smell my butt all you want—you’re not get­ting any biscuits.

Cheesy Penne, Bacon and Broccoli

Pas­ta, cheese and bacon: Enough noms that you can for­give broc­col­i’s presence.

Cavatappi & Cheese

This is what ya call Mac & Cheese for grownups.

Bacon Cheese Muffins

Juu­u­ust enough break­fast cere­al to pre­tend it’s healthy!

Bacon Potato Puffs

Mamas, don’t let your babies grow up to be potatoes.

Baked Potato Soup

There are two kinds of soup: Pota­to soup and not pota­to soup.

Spring Vegetable Pie

So yum­my you won’t mind how healthy it is.