Au Jus

Yes, we know: “Au Jus” means “with juice,” and occa­sion­al­ly you see a menu with prime rib or a French dip sand­wich say­ing “With Au Jus.” If you’re the kind of wiseass who has to say, “Oh, it comes WITH WITH  juice?” try not to imag­ine going to Coci­na Kitchen Restau­rant on the cor­ner of Table Mesa Road and Plaza Square Dri­ve after stop­ping at the auto­mat­ic ATM machine. It’ll be messy if your head explodes.


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  • Ingre­di­ents:
  • 14 cup beef fat drip­pings from prime rib or oth­er roast beef
  • 1 12 tbsp. all-pur­pose flour
  • 2 cups beef stock

Put the fat drip­pings in a skil­let over medi­um-high heat. Add the flour, whisk­ing con­stant­ly, until it starts to thicken—usually around 3 minutes.

Pour in the beef stock; increase heat and bring mix­ture to a boil.

Boil and whisk until it thick­ens just a lit­tle bit. Get it off the heat before it turns into gravy on you; sea­son with salt and pep­per to taste.