Au Gratin PO-TAY-TOES Pancakes

Not many peo­ple know this, but PO-TAY-TOES helped destroy Sauron!

Say it with me: PO-TAY-TOES!
  • Ingre­di­ents:
  • 2 cups mashed pota­toes, no milk or but­ter added
  • 1 egg, light­ly beaten
  • 1 tbsp. minced chives
  • 1 tbsp. minced pars­ley (fresh)
  • 34 tsp. salt
  • 18 tsp. dried minced gar­lic
  • 18 tsp. pepper
  • Dash crushed rosemary
  • 12 cup shred­ded sharp ched­dar cheese
  • 4 tbsp. canola oil, divided

In a large bowl, com­bine the first 8 ingre­di­ents. Stir in cheese.

Heat 2 tbsp. oil in large non­stick skil­let over medi­um heat. Drop bat­ter by 14 cup­fuls into oil. Press light­ly to flatten.

Cook in batch­es for 2–3 min­utes on each side until gold­en brown, using remain­ing oil as need­ed. Drain on paper towels.